This is a highly edited transcription of a vore roleplay.
Content warning: Oral vore. Sex in public. F>FF. Food play. Dubious/nonconsensual. Musk hypnosis. Digestion. Stuffing. Food play. Multi-prey. Permadeath. Scat disposal.
Syrupy sunlight dribbles between the blinds, over marshmallow white pillows, and pools around two bodies nestled together like sausages. An enormous spotted hyena, and a stout white dragoness. The hyena wipes sleep from her orange eyes, but remains nestled in the little bed. It’s cozy, albeit a little small for her enormous curvy figure. A little drool has accumulated in her mouth, which she swallows. Feeling her girlfriend stir next to her, she puts her face right next to hers, and murmurs, “Morning Belle!”
The dragoness stares dreamily back into the familiar face, “H-hi Ana!”
Ana plants a little kiss on Belle’s snout. “Wanna do anything today?” she asks, her voice husky and inviting.
Belle touches the tips of her claws together nervously, “A-anything you want!”
“Y’know, I’d love to play with such a cute yummy girl… And well…” Ana nods down at a bulge near her groin, which is noticeable even through the sheets, “Got a little of the ol’ morning wood… As usual.”
“Cute? Awh!!!! You are so fucking sweet!”
Ana plants a lick on Belle’s face, making a show of tasting it. “A gal could say the same for you.”
“…Keep saying stuff like that and I’ll literally feed herself to you.”
“Oh,” the hyena says with a devious smile, “I’m actually counting on it.”
Belle smooches Ana’s fuckin’ face, nuzzling her nose before ripping the covers off and diving face-first into her enormous cleavage, and gently inhaling her stinky fur. “Heh… Boobs…”
“Awww, right where you belong, Sugarbelle…” Ana smirks, “On my tits.”
Belle lets out a muffled whine. “Aaaaahh!! Touché touché… I’ll give you that one… Still won’t stop me from sucking them… So HAH!”
Ana runs a sandy-colored paw over the white scales of the dragoness’s cheek, and through her puffy green hair. “My pretty girl can suckle as much as she needs… Just mindlessly licking…”
“Mmnnrrrhhh… Just keeep on going… No other thoughts…”
“Not even noticing my long wet tongue slowly teasing your neck… breathing… sniffing… tasting…”
“Mmmnrrhhh… Y-yes please…”
“Well, I’ve upheld my end of the bargain… Time to feed yourself to me!”
“Visiwjkrkrocosjeg!!!” Without another word, Belle slides up towards Ana’s maw.
Likewise without words, Ana places a loving paw beneath Belle’s butt, lifts her up gently, and engulfs her small little body in her long, thick throat. “Gllllllllllick-haaaaah.” On her breath, in her saliva, and emanating from her stomach, as if secreted by her every gland, Belle scents a warm, flowery odor that numbs and relaxes her little mind, and tells her exactly where she belongs.
Peristalsis drags her slowly down, and Ana teases her on her way. “Sliiiiiide down my throat sweetie… Feel the undulating, squelching red flesh wrapped tight around my meal… Settle in my stummy with a cute squelch… And squirm! Like the cute fucking treat you are.”
Belle gently squirms, rubbing the flesh around her, moaning and murring softly, utterly in love.
Ana smiles. Having her girlfriend’s love, trust, and affection placed fully in her, not to mention her scrumptious body… The feeling is heavenly. She is, however, also struck by a sudden craving for syrup-doused pancakes, bacon, coffee, and fruit juice. “Nmmmm… BRUUUUUURPH. Love you too darling.” Her tummy grumbles a little. “Urph, still hungry though… Probably shoulda had breakfast before putting you in there,” she teases, drooling a little, “You don’t mind, right?”
“H-heh… I don’t mind at all… you know me,” Belle murmurs softly, blushing like a giant fucking dork.
Ana dresses—her usual black tank and jeggings—leaves Belle’s apartment and walks down the stairs. The padding of her feet causes her prey to gently bob and sway in her wet squishy bed. The towering hyena catches a few more stray glances from passersby than usual, thanks to the bulge in her gut. But there’s only one thing on her mind.
She crosses the street into a diner called; thankfully one that hasn’t banned her for life yet. It’s a small, somewhat greasy hole-in-the-wall, reeking with the tantalizing smells of scrambled eggs. Not too crowded either, which is nice. The sign reads “Sloppy’s Sizzling Grill and Buffet”, alongside a cartoon pig cooking some eggs in a frying pan.
A tired, ashy-scaled snake stops bussing tables for a moment and greets her. “Your largest plate, please,” she says. His eyes slowly travel up her eight-foot frame, naturally noticing first the fat flaccid bulge at her crotch, then the lumpy melon of stomach swelled out from beneath her shirt. “It’s a girl,” Ana smiles, patting her pregnant gut with feigned maternal affection, “Six months along now!” Technically the truth, the two have been dating for six months. He does not get paid enough to care, and leads her to a table.
Soon, the gentle glurps and gurgles of Ana’s stomach are drowned out by a series of ravenous slurps and swallows. An entire stack of sweet sticky pancakes (completely whole and still almost perfectly stacked), squishes past a sphincter and lands on top of her prey. Thirty seconds later, another full plate’s worth comes down. Then another. About 30 or 40 pancakes in all; an entire steam tray’s worth. At last, a glass of orange juice to wash it down. “BwUUUUUUUUUUUrp. Scuse me!”
Ana pats her gut. “You okay in there Honeybutt? Hope my appetizer didn’t smother you!”
Belle murrs softly, her hands still pressing out against Ana’s gut walls as she sloshes within, not caring about the food around her in the slightest, instead finding the ordeal exciting.
She gently calls out, “I-I’m fine!!” as stack after stack of pancakes come down from above, her flustered expression only growing more-so as she slowly wriggles to keep her body atop the growing pile of food. “But umm… a-appetiser-?”
“Uuuurp, well I guess you were the appetizer, huh…” Ana says with another satisfied belch, “Point being, I’m just getting started.” She stands again to further raid the buffet. Her excited, ravenous body floods the establishment with sweet, sweaty, musky pheromones. The other patrons seem to be noticing somewhat, and either continue to eat with a slight blush, or covertly stand to leave, making their best efforts to avoid her gaze.
Belle feels herself sloshed softly around as she returns to the buffet, her blushes growing brighter and redder as time goes on. In this slight grace period with no food being shoveled inside of her, I take a moment to press her lips against her syrupy gut walls, kissing and licking them with unrestrained passion. In utter bliss, her hands gently rub and squish around in her fleshy bed. Gods, the feeling of being coated in food and musk as she eats… She is completely and utterly in love. She moans loudly, just barely audible from inside Ana’s stomach. “Nnnhhh! Oh b-baby! Hon! H-huff!”
Over the counter, Ana makes momentary eye contact with the restaurant’s owner, a pig, pink and hairy, wearing a managerial uniform. The titular Sloppy, perhaps? Ana waits impatiently for him to set out a fresh tray of crispy vegetarian bacon strips (the “vegetarian” of course being redundant, as there is no other kind of bacon). As soon as it’s out, she instantly shovels herself a heaped plateful and upends it down her throat, only barely chewing to enjoy the crunch, before swallowing and serving herself another. The porcine watches the bulge travel down, with a look of tired disgust. But as he hears that little murmur escape Ana’s gut, his expression seems to instantly change to one of curiosity… Then barely-concealed arousal.
Ana pauses her chewing to listen to Belle’s muffled little moans and enjoy the gentle touch; her walls aren’t sensitive, but she can feel every little rub and press beneath her tummy pudge. It’s delicious. “Heh, I bet you wish you were watching this from outside…” she muses. She can’t help but bulge at the thought of her prey helplessly wriggling around in there, coated in grease. Now she’s craving a sweet drink to wash the oiliness from her mouth, and so walks over to the buffet’s coffee table, grabs the entire coffee pot, the entire jug of of heavy cream, and a full bottle of simple syrup, and mixes to create a solid gallon of mind-numbingly sweet and fatty warm beverage, which she instantly begins to chug.
Belle groans and moans with every passing moment, as warm liquid trickles down from above, creating a sauna. Gosh, she really does wish she could see this from the outside. Imagining that erotic display of gluttony made her drool. But being inside Ana, experiencing first-hand all the food and drink sloshing around inside of her gut, is a pleasure all its own. Her excited squirms get a touch faster, as she squelches out with her food filled gut, not a care in the world with the amount of food and drink inside, fully embracing the slimy.. sticky goodness of being inside of her.
A timid mouse customer waits patiently in line behind Ana, holding a coffee mug of her own. She umms and errs and finally starts, “Um! H-hi ma’am! I don’t think you’re m-meant to drink straight from the- uhm… Ma’am?” She’s interrupted as Ana finishes the pot and slams it down with satisfaction, then turns. The mouse notices her enormous, noisy gutbulge; easily twice her size, and blushes furiously. “N-nevermind!” she squeaks and steps back, whiskers twitching in fear.
Ana looks down and eyes the mouse curiously. She massages Belle—sloshing her and the rest of wet hot meal together—and asks, with a devious smile, “Care for some company, Belliepet?”
Belle moans in delight, feeling Ana’s paws slosh and squish and push her in and around the wet and sticky slurry of meaty cake-y mush. The weight of her body served to masticate the food where the hyena’s teeth had not. Her scales are utterly coated from head-to-hind-claw by everything inside, but still all she can do is moan and groan in pleasure. Plain and simple, she is aroused, and oh-so helplessly erect. Excited at the prospect of a partner to take out a certain frustrations on, she calls back, “C-certainly!”
“Well, in that case…” Ana slowly advances on the mouse, who gulps nervously and clambers backward, pitifully landing on her back and trying to scramble under the table where she was sitting.
In the commotion, the other patrons scatter like, well, like mice. Except for one brave individual. The pig behind the counter points an accusatory hoof, and shouts, “Hey, stop! You can’t-…” Ana smiles, and exposes her armpit, instantly stunning the poor swine with a single whiff of hyper-potent pheromonal pit stink, reducing him to an unintelligible, horny mess. “Nghh… you… fuck… fuuuuuuuuck~”.
The mouse reaches desperately to grab her purse—no doubt containing pepper spray, or other item of self-defense—but Ana kicks it across the floor, and pulls her prize from beneath the table, first by the tail, and then by the shoulders. The hyena’s size makes it utterly effortless to manipulate smaller creatures, especially those with less experience in . ““L-let…!!! You can’t…!!!” she stammers as I grab her torso and hold her in front of her slavering maw.
“Shhh, haaaaahhh,” Ana smiles, blasting the mouse with hot breath, clouding her mind in a soft, arousing fog. “All mine.” The mouse’s ears droop submissively, but the fear in her eyes remains. Her paws and tail twitch slightly, if her mind desperately craves freedom, but her limbs will not cooperate. “There you go! Good girl. You’re gonna love melting into gutmulch, promise.”
Ana smiles as the mouse wriggles gently… and swallows her down to join her other prey. “Gllk… Mmmmahh…” The pig, watching from behind the counter, drops his pants and shamelessly begins rubbing one out.
Belle lets out an excited cry, as she feels the tasty mouse lands atop her in the darkened, squelchy gut. With a few quick squirms, she maneuvers the mouse underneath her, smothering her in the softening slurry, her own weight pinning her pinned against the stomach wall.
The mouse sputters and struggles as she is pressed into the slime. “NGH!! HELP! h- aCK BLegh! Hhh… hhahhh…” Hyperventilation helps circulate Ana’s musk through her addled brain, and she gradually relaxes.
Ana giggles happily as Belle aids in subduing her fellow prey. “Mmm. You can have your fun in there Belliebutt, but don’t drown her, okay? I wanna feel the struggles once digestion starts.”
Belle delights in watching the mouse giving in, no longer having any fight left in her. “Aww…” she teases excitedly, “There you go.. Gosh, we are going to make my girlfriend so fucking fat!”
All she can manage in response is to deliriously sputter, “Why does that make me… so horny…”
Ana sits down in the booth, rubbing her two prey them affectionately, squelching and slathering them in shmaltz. She begins to casually peruse the mouse’s belongings. Dangling her keys is—as expected—a little red canister of PredSpray™️. Funnily enough, the stuff is highly ineffective as a predatory deterrent, as the government heavily regulates the level of capsaicin which is legal to put in that kind of product before it is considered a weapon. Even when sprayed directly into the eyes, it’s about as effective as baby shampoo.
“Oh neat, she got her a driver’s license… Who the hell drives in the city?” Ana muses. “She’s probably already forgotten, but in case it helps, her name is Penny.”
Belle groans softly and shifts her weight, letting the mouse move around just that little bit easier. “Thanks hon!” She gently kisses the side of Penny’s face, licking it slightly as the two lay together. “Hey Pen… Wanna fuck in here?” she asks, giggling softly. The dragoness is very, very horny from this all, and began grinding her hips onto the mouse woman, moaning softly, trying to satisfy her arousal, and really, really pressing into Penny’s hips.
Stomach acids penetrate Penny’s fur. Her body tingles and sings. Whiskers sopping wet. Some little part of her brain still resists, fearing death. But all she can manage is a gentle reciprocation of Belle’s thrusting, and soft, rhythmic moans. “Nhmm… My brain… Everything is… swirling… pink…” She pulls Belle on top of her, squelching into the mountain of moist pancakes, desperately struggles to slide her skirt off—this would reveal a tight pink slit, if the two weren’t in total darkness. “Fuck me,” she begs, “Fuck me until I’m mulch.”
Belle’s sweats are already off, no-doubt buried and soaked in bacon grease now. Her dick twitches hard against Penny’s thighs, until without another word, save for an animalistic grunt and a groan, she thrusts it deep. Belle’s drooling mouth and tongue desperately lock together with Penny’s, as—for the umpteenth time—she demonstrates just how gay she was. Penny’s insides feel so fucking good.. she is tight… warm… the dragoness desires nothing more than to flood her with cream. To fuck her into mulch for Ana’s pleasure, and dissolve soon to be followed after.
The hyena’s over-stuffed gut becomes a gurgling, growling furnace. Ana squeezes her prey’s slimy little bodies together and coo, “Better enjoy it fast, heh, I think you’ve got like ten minutes tops before you’re both liquid.”
She doesn’t respond to Ana’s words, just keeps fucking and humping… moaning and pumping… She could feel the first tingles of her form beginning to dissolve. Given how many times she’d reformed over the last six months, it was all-too-familiar, yet so intoxicating. Pressed together like this, the pair’s movements only aid in further digesting their softening bodies.
Penny moans and squeaks, “MMmmm!!! Oh… oh gods… yes…”
“Heh, good girls,” Ana moans, casually stroking and enjoying herself to the loud and pleasurable commotion in her belly. “Can’t wait to squeeze you out… You two are gonna look sooo cute with your bones all tangled and crushed together… Frankly it’s a shame I can’t reform only one of you. Eh, maybe I’ll leave you both as shit and titfat. I don’t think either will mind, heh.”
Ana’s teasing elicits an excited oink from the pig, who is now desperately frotting with a warm tray of veggie sausages. The place is definitely not gonna win any health awards. “Hey piggy, over here,” Ana beckons. He obediently approaches, still desperately and mindlessly jerking off. “Rub this, and suck this,” she commands, guiding him to worship her belly and cock respectively. “Oh and don’t cum yet, or you’re dessert.”
“W-we’re gonna die!?” Penny moans, sounding more excited than anything, a sign of her mind being fully corrupted from huffing Ana’s musk. “All my life… I’ve never wanted anything more than to be your girlfriend’s shit… Th-thank you…” She pulls Belle into a mating press and bites down on her shoulder. “P-please cum inside me.”
Belle groans softly as Penny bites her shoulder. Her own excited howls echo in the fleshy tomb; her pleasure grows with every passing moment. “Oh Penny,” she moans, “F-fuck! We’re gonna be my girlfriend’s fat tits, bouncing with every step… Ngh! We’re gonna be shit, pushed outta her hot fucking ass… Oh god Penny! I’m gonna- I’m gonna cum!!!”
She slams deep into the mouse one last time, balls clenching as she releases a small transparent load inside, filling her up as she affectionately licks and nibbles on the mouse’s neck, still moaning in pure love and enjoyment, of this very situation. Penny grunts and groans as her body milks out every last drop of cum.
Ana hears her girlfriend’s muffled orgasm, and smiles. “Gooood girl. That’s my good girl…!” The pig eagerly slobbers on her superior meat massages her huge fat belly, and grinds dumbly against her leg. She grips the back of his head and pounds his throat. “Mmm! So nummy… Fuck! This is! Gonna make me…!!” Cum. Her cock erupts a full pint of creamy white cum down their throat. “Cummm! Haaahhh!!! Aaaahnnn!!! Mmmm…” Meanwhile, as if following a command, the pig also erupts and shoots a few pitiful ropes over her foot, and collapses on top of me, lazily rubbing and listening to her tummy’s growls.
“Well,” Ana sighs happily, “Guess this is as good a time as any to crunch you. So long, Sweetiesnout. Enjoy life as titty fat!”
Penny, still pressed tight into you, clenching around Belle’s softening womanhood, and desperately frigging her own, suddenly presses out in desperation. “W-wait!!” she cries, “I’m not finished!! I didn’t get to-“
Ana’s paws press hard into their softening, squishy forms, killing both of them instantly. Snump. Grunch. Glorch. Gluuuurrgle… “BRAAAAAAAP!” Feeling the last of her orgasm waning, Ana stands, satisfied, and gently pets the piggy’s head. “Consider that payment. Pretty fair, I’d say.” He says nothing, and merely collapses into a cum-dripping, drooling, sweaty slump on the restaurant’s tile floor.
As she walks out the door, Ana can’t help noticing a little sign she hadn’t seen on the way in. Presumably, the restaurant’s slogan:
“Sloppy’s Really Satisfies!”
“Heh, no denying that,” Ana smiles. “Maybe I’ll even be back for seconds. BWUUUUUURPH!”
A few hours later, Ana is sitting in her own apartment, casually clearing out any belongings Belle had left behind. Toothbrush goes in the trash… Laptop can be resold, since she knows the password… The hyena smiles a little as she finds Belle’s original vintage Dinosaur Park shirt. She decides to keep it for the time being, as it still carries the delicious smell of her prey—not to mention it’s soft and good for mopping up cum stains. Then she feels a pressure in her lower guts. “Wow, you two want out already? Heh, guess I don’t know my own strength. Well, nature calls”.
The hyena walks happily to the bathroom, clutching her swollen and gurgling gut. She plops her fat ass down on the toilet. Her hips are noticeably pudgier after absorbing all those calories. She makes a mental note to buy new pants.
As she sits, she notices the Plan D® At-Home Reformation Kit on her bathroom counter—basically just a sterilized bag to shit, piss, or cum someone’s remains into and take to a ReFo center. She considers it for a moment. She does enjoy Belle, and certainly wouldn’t mind eating her again. But with Penny mixed in alongside her, she’d be charged double for the extra reformation, plus an exorbitant surcharge to demux their DNA. Highway robbery, and simply not worth the cash. May as well to leave them on her ass forever, like she seemed to want in her final moments.
At last, she feels the first bit of turd stretch open her hole. She spreads her fat furry cheeks, and start to push out a long, thick log, a rich smooth brown, peppered with hard white fragments. Something hard and wide passes… a shattered mouse skull. “Headfirst, huh? You two musta really had fun in there at the end… Mmmm…” She keeps squeezing… Out come a few femurs, tibias, the usual (well, twice as many as the usual). At last, she struggles to pass one final bone. Lodged and caked in her shit; is a pretty little dragon skull. A fitting cherry atop of the enormous pile of smooth brown remains.
Staring into Belle’s empty leaking brown eye sockets, Ana almost has second thoughts about leaving her in a toilet… But then she clutches her new love handles, tits, and ass affectionately, and decides she’s simply much better as fat. The hyena takes one last deep sniff of her JP tee, then uses it to wipe any stray flecks of shit from her hole, and tosses it on top of the pile.
“So long, Belliefat. See ya around!” Ana says softly, fully satisfied, and flushes her away.